Found a group yard sale in a parking lot near my work. One lady was a beekeeper selling honey. I ended up talking to her for a long time about beekeeping. I told her I wanted to learn how to do beekeeping. She told me she would teach me everything I needed to know and help me get started. Of course I bought a jar of honey too.
I bought these jars for $1 each. I already have them full of odds and ends.

I got each of these jars for .50 cents

This cute change purse was .50 and the Brighton bag was free.

I got these good sized nesting boxes for $5

I followed the signs to a benefit sale a couple of blocks away.
I got these cool metal boxes for .50 cents each.

Dog bowls .50 cents each. $4 for all the GI Joe accessories. (the guns are so detailed)

I also bought a bunch of baked goods.
Good finds, Anna!!
I hope you take up the beekeeping - it's a very special craft, something well worth knowing!!
GI Joe stuff Is neat! I 'borrow' stuff from my kids all the time, Haha! Love that little mushroom purse, very sweet:) Loving all the glass, too:)
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