First off I want to thank all of my followers.. I can't believe I already have 99 followers. Thank you. I can't believe 99 people on the web read my random posts. I love following everyones posts. I try to follow all of my followers too.
Saturday was such a beautiful day I had to get out and do something. So I went yard sale shopping. There was one little one on my road so I went there first. I wish I had thought to bring a take a picture there. She had the biggest collection of frogs I have ever seen. I found a few craft kits and a metal ruler for $2.

I found another sale across town in front of a used furniture store (I didn't know about.) I got this box of old checkers and dice for $2.

Then I got this cute little "Doggy Tales" scrapbook set at another yard sale for $2.

I stopped by my favorite Antique store in town to see what "new" old stuff he had aquired. I love this trunk but there is just too much rust on it for $35. But I love the ornate metal. If it weren't for all the rust holes I probably would have bought this one anyway.

The one below it was in much better shape but they wanted $70 for it.

I must have walked past this one half a dozen times before I spotted it. I will probably got back and inquire on the price of it this week. If I can get a deal on it I'd love to pull off all the old canvas and refinish and stain the wood. I'd use this one as a coffee table.
Our house is too small for non functional furniture and I could really use the storage for bed linens. We only have one closet in our whole house that 3 people share.

After checking out all the local stops I decided to go to Michael's Crafts & Hobby Lobby. I picked up most of this stuff on clearance. The DMC floss are the colors I would like to try in my rug design. (I already have black) I got the bead loom at Hobby Lobby but I'm not impressed with it. It doesn't work the way it's supposed to. and the springs are only about 2 inches apart. I'll probably just rig up my own loom. I bought the Liquid Sculpey because I've seen all the cool things other bloggers have created with it so I thought I would give it a try.