I picked up my cats at 8am this morning. There was paperwork and antibiotics for Delilah. She was meowing like crazy and Luna was just chilled out. I talked to them both the whole way home and put my fingers in the cage to pet them. As soon as we got home and I got them in the bedroom I opened the cages. Delilah came out instantly, Luna was a little hesitant. I sat down in the floor with them and Delilah started climbing and rubbing all over me and being extra affectionate (not normally like her she is usually aloof) When she climbed off my lap I noticed a blood stain on my pant leg. I picked her up and her belly was covered in fresh blood. I checked her gums and they were almost white. I called the spay and neuter clinic that did the surgery and they told me to get her to the vet asap. So I got her cleaned up and called the vets office.. they weren't open yet. I gave them some food and water and they both ate. I set up an appointment and got a towel for the trip back to cedartown. I let her out of the cage in the car so she wouldn't act so crazy. I laid a towel across my lap and she just sat there the whole ride looking out the window. The vet read the paper work and once he saw her he said one of the sutures had come loose. He wanted to run a couple blood test and see how her blood was clotting. While we waited on the blood work she climbed all over me like a jungle gym.

She tested negative for FeLV and her blood count looked ok a little on the low side. Her blood was extremely slow to clot on the slide he took and the clot was extremely weak. They suspect she ingested Rat Poison in the past couple of days. They gave her a vitamin K shot to counter act the poison and I have to give her a vitamin k capsule every day for the next 3 weeks to get it all out of her system. They also put one suture in her belly where the bleeding was occurring but by the time I got home again she started bleeding from another spot higher up. Her gums are pinker than they were this morning but not as pink as her sisters. I guess its still touch and go.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you all. Take care.
Poor Delilah is really going through a tough time. But she is looking pretty good in the pictures. Lets hope she has a strong constitution and will come through all this with flying colours. My heart goes out to you as I know how hard it is when you see your pet suffering.
Wow, she has been through a lot!
I love cats - she is in my thoughts :-)
It must be very traumatic for you. I have never had any problem getting animals neutered. Hope they knew what they were doing. We always worry about them, they can't tell us how they feel, although sounds like she is happy enough. Hope they both recover well.
Poor Delilah and poor you! Hope everything is going to be just fine - keep my fingers crossed!
Oh Anna- my heart goes out to you! I will keep her in my prayers this weekend and hope that evil poison leaves her system! I love cats so much- I hope she stays strong and is ok in a few days. My smallest cat hated me before her first trip to the vet to be fixed--after that trip she is my best friend and sits in my lap almost every night while I'm crafting. My best wishes and hugs for Delilah♥
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