Delilah stopped bleeding externally last night. I'm concerned about her bleeding internally though. Her gums seemed a little pale this morning. I'm going to keep an eye on her and if they don't start to turn pink again I guess I'll be taking her back to the vet for another blood transfusion. She and her sister have been cuddling a lot. Luna wants to play but Delilah doesn't.

I kept them in the bedroom with us last night. Every time I heard them moving around I switched on the light to check on them. I'm so glad I got the fixed when I did or we wouldn't have know about the rat poison and we would have lost her.
Hi Anna im sorry your having so many problems with your poor fur babies i hope things improve soon
take care
Poor thing! I hope she will be okay. I used to be strictly a cat person and we have a strange little kitty now but it's my dog, Scout, who is my constant companion and friend now. More loyal than anyone or anything I have ever known besides my husband! LOL! I know how you love her.
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