I don't get it. Yesterday morning I started out with 112 followers. By yesterday afternoon I was down to 111 and now I'm down to 110. Where is everybody going? Is it something I said? I promise I'll never do it again.. please don't leave me... LOL
I guess some people were jealous of my yard sale finds... lol
Such a Deal! Mystery Crime Fiction Ebook Sale!
12 hours ago
im sure its nothing you said...maybe they just decided to not have an account for a while. as for your yard sale finds...yes i was envious...but im still here!!! lol
That happens to me sometimes too- I can never figure out who it was. I think the above answer could be right- maybe they just close their account for awhile. I don't even know how to "unfollow" someone! I love your blog Anna- even if I am jealous of your yard sale finds :)
I think its nothing to worry about.
Sometimes i start following a blog because i think it will be suited to me, then realise its not one thats suited to me, or the autor has gone in a totally different dorection etc.
I have people drop off mine all the time.
I love your blog and your amazing yard sale finds and always look forward to seeing everything... wishing we had yard sales here too.
Nikki xxx
No te preocupes, a mi tambien me ha pasado alguna vez.
Ya volveran!!!!!!
Yo desde luego no te abandono, me encanta tu blog y tus trabajos.
besitos ascension
Just noticed: You are up to 111 again... don't worry about it!
I think it's really common and I also think that it's a technical glitch largely - the reason I think that it's a tech probelm is because it does seem to happen in a 'cluster' just as you mention. While there will be times when followers will legitmately stop following (as Nikki mentioned) I think it's highly unlikely that it will happen that more than one will do so in a really short space of time. There is one very popular blogger with an extremely engaging blog that I have regular 'off line' contact with - she was about to hit a significant 'round number' (and we were both excitedly watching the numbers grow by several per day) when suddenly 'poof' 3 disappeared in the space of a few hours. In my opinion the chance of that being real 'cancellations' is extremely unlikely.
So don't worry Anna, we still love you ;) - and your blog...
I am still here too :). I love seeing what you have bought. And the fabulous tut you just gave on pipe cleaners bears, that's priceless! I will not be the one opting out, that's for sure , so you can cancel my name from the list of suspects :).
LOL don't stress about it...i think their counters are a bit dicky because mine say that now and then but i have the same amount of people...and i don't have a lot!
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