Last night when I went to take pictures of the 3 sets of stamps I bought at the yard sale I discovered that 2 of the sets were exactly the same. Grrr...

I got this digital scale at one of the random yard sales we stopped at for $1

This is the handy little tray table I bought for $1.50. Sam thought it might have food on it.

My last stop of the day was at a wild thift store. They had all sorts of odd things. I'll have to go back there this weekend too. They had a ton of ceramic glazes but I don't do ceramics. I bought a dozen 1 cup size ziploc containers for $1.
I searched thru the toys and games for anything that might be useful and came aross this Italian lite toy for $1.

I bought it just for the light pegs. They look like little bottles already.

I also found this old mathmatics game for $1. I bought it just for the wooden pieces. They are the perfect size for mini presents.

Well that's all of this weekends finds.
I have enjoyed shopping with you, Ana. :)
I have never heard of the game Tuf...
I had never heard of the game either.. doesn't look fun to me sounds tuf...lol .. I just wanted the wooden blocks..
Another lot of great finds. Like the light pegs, they remind me of potion bottles. x
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